Native American Rings

Dating back for over 2000 years, Indian jewelry has captivated man’s imagination with precious creations including bracelets, necklaces, and earrings.

Since the earliest of times Native American Indians have produced some of the most dazzling jewelry that is so much admired all over the world. Rings in particular have contributed to the Native American Jewelry mystique by more than just the beauty and excellent workmanship that they are famous for, but also to communicate a fashion statement that is full of meaning and symbolism.

Dating back for over 2000 years, Indian jewelry has captivated man’s imagination with precious creations including bracelets, necklaces, and earrings. It is rings though that represents a fashion philosophy believed to have been revealed from heaven above with the guide of the spirits of ancestors, the souls in the animal kingdom and nature itself; buffalo and the eagle, clouds and rivers, mountains and valleys, fine colored sands and silent stones, all have helped to inspire each jewelry piece made, each offering a one of a kind message.

Framing a rich culture and a majestic civilization born in prehistoric times, the talents of Native American Indians have been uncovered in Archeological digs with some jewelry artifacts dating back to as early as 200 BC. Resplendent discoveries of copper, silver and gold jewelry are now exhibited in major museums in every corner of the world.

The history of the Native American Indian can be told from a mosaic of sources. Jewelry is one of those sources, especially in rings. Designs and symbols found in ring jewelry discoveries help to identify historical data and give us an insight into the way the American Indian lived. In general, jewelry can tell us how their economy progressed, how their spiritual beliefs developed, and how important their royal lines were. Jewelry was used not only to be worn but also for trading purposes. Rings were a sign of leadership, affluence, and status. As in the past, native American Indians still use their jewelry today in ceremonials and everyday life.

American Indian jewelry is made from many materials. The traditional silver and turquoise jewelry is very well known. Jewelry makers also use copper, gold, and all sorts of beads, seeds, amber, semi-precious gems and stones, and coral and sea shells. Today the jewelry making tradition lives on. Following their ancient ways, American Indian jewelry continues to dazzle the discerning eye with creations using techniques passed on from generation to generation.

A stone that emits strong symbolism is the turquoise. American Indians found this semi-precious stone in copper mines and mineral deposits in the southwest part of the United States.  Widely used in Indian jewelry making turquoise is used by many tribes in North America to continue fashion beautiful and unique jewelry pieces so much loved and popular all over the world.

A turquoise ring is not only a fashion statement but also gives its wearer an added insentive. It is thought that turquoise is the stone of life and can bestow good fortune. American Indians call the turquoise the “sky stone,” because it depicts the blueness of the sky along with the clouds. More and more people today are using turquoise jewelry.

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